在《黑神話:悟空》中,踏上中國神話風的驚險旅程,化身天命之子,探索充滿挑戰和奇觀的遼闊迷人世界。探索遠古傳說的幕後真相,揭開輝煌過去的秘密。有了 GeForce RTX™ 40 系列,就能獲得終極的《黑神話:悟空》遊戲體驗,經採用 AI 技術的 NVIDIA DLSS 加速並強化繪圖運算,可享受全面光線追蹤技術,帶來令人驚嘆的沉浸式享受。 在限定時間內購買符合活動資格的 GeForce RTX 4090、4080 SUPER、4080、4070 Ti SUPER、4070 Ti、4070 SUPER 或 4070 桌上型電腦或顯示卡,或是搭載 GeForce RTX 4090 筆記型電腦 GPU、RTX 4080 筆記型電腦 GPU、RTX 4070 筆記型電腦 GPU 的筆電,即可獲得《黑神話:悟空》。*
一個人限領一組遊戲序號。*須遵守本活動條款與細則。 選擇並了解詳情。
> 暗黑破壞神®IV 標準版
> 持光者坐騎與信仰之甲坐騎防具**
>《暗黑破壞神 永生不朽®》的赭紅黑暗之翼造型套裝*****
***《暗黑破壞神® III》另售及下載。
*****《暗黑破壞神® 永生不朽》另售及下載。
立即使用 GeForce RTX 40 系列啟航。作為銀河系頭號通緝犯,執行著高風險、高報酬的任務,對於使用光線追蹤的經典星際大戰地點感到讚嘆不已,透過 NVIDIA DLSS 3.5 的AI 繪圖技術增強效果,提供無與倫比的電腦體驗。
與帝國來一場驚心動魄的纏鬥,體驗 NVIDIA Reflex 的低延遲和最佳反應能力,盡情享受 NVIDIA Reflex 帶來的絕佳優勢。
*活動期間購買符合資格的 NVIDIA GeForce RTX™ 4090、4080 SUPER、4080、4070 Ti SUPER、4070 Ti、4070 SUPER,或者 4070 桌上型電腦或是顯示卡,或是搭載 GeForce RTX™ 4090 筆記型電腦 GPU、RTX 4080 筆記型電腦 GPU 和 RTX 4070 筆記型電腦 GPU 的筆記型電腦,即可獲得《星際大戰™:亡命之徒》和森林突擊隊服裝組合包。*
/ 活動時間(發票認列) /
/ 序號啟用時間 /
2024年8月20日 - 2024年11月1日
在《星際大戰》首款開放世界遊戲當中,透過戰鬥與偷竊的方式與銀河系的犯罪集團鬥志鬥勇,闖出一片天。本遊戲首發日即可啟用 NVIDIA DLSS 3.5、光線追蹤和 Reflex 功能,提供最極致的電腦體驗。
DLSS 3.5 是 AI 繪圖技術的一項革命性突破,可加乘效能並提升光線追蹤的影像畫質。《星際大戰™:亡命之徒》包括 DLSS 畫格生成,可提升 GeForce RTX 40 系列顯示卡、桌上型電腦和筆記型電腦的效能以及 DLSS 光線重建的功能,將光線追蹤的效果提升至全新境界。
Event Duration and Enrolment
From August 20, 2024 at 6AM (PT) – September 19, 2024 at 11:59PM (PT), 2024, participants (“You, “Your”, as applicable) may enroll in the MSI “The Star Wars™ Outlaws 40 Series bundle” promotion (“Event”) – while supplies last. To enter, You must complete the following steps: Purchase one (1) or more eligible MSI product(s) from participating MSI partners in an eligible region (see below). You may purchase or register more than one (1) eligible product to receive more codes while supplies last. Specific regional conditions apply:
One (1) copy of The Star Wars™ Outlaws standard edition promotion code per piece of eligible product. Limited quantities apply. If all redemption items have been awarded, the Event will automatically end.
MSI brand GeForce RTX 4090, 4080 SUPER, 4080, 4070 Ti SUPER, 4070 Ti, 4070 SUPER, or 4070 desktop or graphics card, or laptop with a GeForce RTX 4090 Laptop GPU, RTX 4080 Laptop GPU, RTX 4070 Laptop GPU.
We may ask You for information during the Event enrolment and product registration process that may, as applicable, include without limitation Your email, name, product serial number, redemption code, purchase information, and other voluntary information You provide. In addition, we may indirectly gather information from you via cookies or website embedded analytics. The information we collect will be used in the following manner: to run this Event, to verify Your eligibility, to contact You if needed, to ensure prize(s) can be sent to You, to store registered product data for as long as an ongoing relationship exists between us (eg. When You use our services such as warranty, eDM notices, etc.), and to use solely for internal market studies for developing better products and services. Your information will not be shared with third parties, except: i) to third party processors such as our internet service and website providers in order for us to execute this Event; or ii) when reporting or responding to actual or suspected breach of applicable laws to legal and regulatory authorities such as courts or the police to the extent needed.
Because of the international nature of our business, we transfer information within the MSI group, and to third parties as referenced above, in connection with the purpose set forth in these terms and conditions. Therefore, we may transfer information to countries that may have different laws and data protection compliance requirements that those applicable in the country You are located.
Further details of how Your information may be used and processed are detailed in MSI’s privacy policy, available at https://www.msi.com/page/privacy-policy. The MSI Privacy Policy constitutes a part of these Terms and Conditions, and by enrolling in this Event, You acknowledge that You have read and understood MSI’s privacy policy and agree to it.
For any material You may provide to us for this Event, including without limitation pictures, videos, reviews, content, comments, feedback, and written material, to the extent such material is protectable under intellectual property laws, You hereby grant MSI and its worldwide subsidiaries a perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, fully-paid up, sublicensable (through multiple tiers of sublicensees) license to use, reproduce, copy, distribute, create derivative works of, publicly display and perform, and otherwise use or exploit the submissions in any legal manner reasonably determined by MSI and subject to MSI’s Privacy Policy.
You hereby represent and warrant that:
You hereby agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless MSI, its affiliates, and subsidiaries, from any and all liabilities, damages, judgments, costs, expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses, arising out of any claim, investigation, litigation, or other legal or administrative action by a third party arising out of or relating to any actual or alleged breach by You of any representations, warranties, undertakings, or covenants in this Event.
You hereby acknowledge and agree that:
These Terms and Conditions are governed and construed in accordance with the laws of Taiwan, regardless of the conflict of law principles, and any disputes arising from the Event and these Terms shall be adjudicated by the Taipei District Court in Taipei, Taiwan. Any provision rendered invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction shall be stricken, and the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect. MSI’s failure to enforce any right under these Terms and Conditions shall not constitute a waiver of that right.
版權所有 © Game Science Interactive Technology Co., Ltd. 。保留一切權利,游科互动科技有限公司
© 2024 NVIDIA Corporation. 保留一切權利。NVIDIA、NVIDIA 標誌和 GeForce RTX 皆為 NVIDIA Corporation 在美國和其他國家/地區的商標和/或註冊商標。其他公司與產品名稱可能為其各自相關公司的商標。
1.本活動之贈品採上網註冊登錄申請,審核時間約需7-20個工作天不含假日,活動申請補件時間至2022/11/14止。 (發票認列期間:2022/09/01-2022/10/31)。